Subject: GDS Online Engagement, Schedule-II (July), 2023 – schedule for activities and preparatory exercise regarding.
This is in continuation of this office letter of even. no dated 23.06.2023 whereby it was requested to carry out preparatory exercise in connection with GDS Online engagement process under, Schedule-II (July), 2023.
2. It has been decided to issue notification of vacancies under the GDS Online Engagement, Schedule-II (July), 2023 on 28.07.2023 and following timelines have been prescribed for completing preparatory activities, as noted below:
GDS Online Engagement Schedule-II (July) 2023 Activities | GDS Online Recruitment Time Schedule |
Data entry and freezing of the GDS vacancies by the Divisions | 17.07.2023 to 22.07.2023 |
Rechecking data entry | 24.07.2023 to 24.07.2023 |
Approval by Circles after freezing the data entry by Divisions | 25.07.2023 to 26.07.2023 |
GDS Online Engagement (Recruitment) Schedule-II (July) 2023 Notification of vacancies | 28.07.2023 |
3. For the purpose of calculation of vacancies, the Circles are requested to refer to aforementioned letter dated 23.06.2023.
4. Further, it is also noticed that as per MIS of Schedule-I (January-2023), there are about 33868 Offer of Engagement have been sent to candidates till now and the status of only 11628 candidates have been shown as joined, while 20407 candidates have also Turned up and submitted their documents to Engaging authorities, but their joining status is not updated in the portal. Circle wise pending joining status has already been shared vide this office DO no. 17-21/2022-GDS dated 03.07.2023. The Circles are required to update the joining/reporting status in the portal to avoid any discrepancies in calculation of vacancies. This is very important task as the final vacancies would be known only if the task is correctly completed.
5. A certificate duly signed by DPS (HQ) for completion of above preparatory works alongwith total Division wise vacancies to be notified would need to be uploaded in the Portal and furnished to this Directorate by 26th July,2023.
6. CEPT is requested to ensure completion of the following tasks to enable Circles to carry out preparatory exercise:
(i) Window/link to division for data entry may be given as per schedule.
(ii) Detailed SOP for data entry of vacancies will be circulated to all concerned immediately.
5. All HOCs and the GM, CEPT are requested to ensure timely completion of the preparatory exercise.