Gramin Dak Sevak Salary 2023: Check GDS Job Profile, Work(BPM, ABPM & Dak Sevaks) is the present interesting topic for many as there are result issued by India Post for the recruitment of GDS in 2023. All the circle have been realized the result of GDS result With the release of result, many people are not knowing what is the Job of GDS? What are the roles of GDS? How much is the GDS Salary 2023? What are the allowances that are eligible for him? What is the total amount a GDS BPM draws as salary in 2023?
So Today in this post we will clear all your doubts. Let’s check right in.
What is Gramin Dak Sevak Salary 2023?
Gramin Dak Sevak’s salary in 2023 is the amount of TRCA(Time Related Continuity allowance) he/She will gets and the component of Dearness Allowance(DA) and Office Maintanece allowance (OMA) put together
All these aspects have been covered in this post for your convenience.
This article will get details of GDS BPM Salary 2023, ABPM Salary 2023, Dak Sevak Salary 2023. You may check the India Post GDS New Salary /Gramin Dak Sevak Salary and Postal Gramin Dak Sevak Profile at large
Gramin Dak Sevak GDS Job Profile
There are Three Types of the Gramin Dak Sevaks ·
- Branch Postmaster (BPM)
- Assistant Branch Postmaster (ABPM)
- Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS)
1. Branch Postmaster BPM Job Profile / Work
1. Branch Postmaster or BPM: He is responsible for the overall functioning of the Branch Post office. He books Speed Post articles, Registered Post articles, electronic Money Orders(e-MOs), Parcels.
BPM also undertakes the sale of postage stamps, revenue stamps, accepts deposits of Savings Bank(SB), Recurring Deposit(RD), RPLI (Rural Postal Life insurance). He does all these transactions on DARPAN Device
A BPM is appointed by the SSP/SP (Superintendent of Post offices).
BPM is also supposed to accept transactions in IPPB(India Post Payment Bank), AEPS, DBT.BPM has to do any work assigned by the IPO/ASP/SP/SSP.
2. Assistant Branch Postmaster ABPM Job Profile / Work
2. Assistant Branch Postmaster(ABPM): ABPM is entrusted with the work of assisting the BPM to work apart from delivering the mail i.e., Registered post, speed post, ordinary articles, parcels, payment of money orders in the BO village and its hamlets. Hamlets are small villages attached to Branch post offices.
ABPM is provided with Postman Mobile App(PMA) wherein he can deliver the letters and update the information in the PMA app so that the delivery information is visible to the customers on the India Post website.
ABPM may also have to attend to doorstep delivery of services like IPPB, AEPS, DBT through the IPPB App. He may also have to do the combined duty of BPM when required on the orders of IPO/ASP.
ABPM is appointed by the ASP/IP (Asst Superintendent of Post offices or Inspector of Posts of the Sub Division).
ABPM has to do any other work assigned by the SPM/BPM/IPO/ASP/SP/SSP.
3. DAK SEVAK Job Profile / Work
Dak Sevaks: A Dak Sevak is generally placed in Sub post offices. A Dak Sevak assists the Sub Postmaster(SPM) in a sub-post office.
Dak Sevaks are also entrusted with stamping articles posted in letterboxes, articles received in the BO/SO.
A Dak Sevak is sometimes entrusted with mail delivery in BO/SO and also the conveyance of Bags from BO to SO vice-versa and also from nearest mail collection point (bus station) to SO and vice-versa.
A Dak Sevak also attends to doorstep delivery of services like IPPB, AEPS, DBT through the IPPB App.
Dak Sevak has to do any other work assigned by the SPM/BPM/IPO/ASP/SP/SSP.
In RMS, the Dak Sevak may have to convey bags from the Railway station to RMS and vice-versa. He is involved in the work of opening/closing & conveyance of bags in Mail offices/RMS/CRC/National Speed post Hubs from one place to another. He may have to do any other work assigned by RMS Officers( SRO/IRM/SRM). Dak Sevak may be entrusted with the clearance of the RMS letterbox.
Gramin Dak Sevak Salary 2023 Check BPM Salary & Promotion

Office Maintenance allowance can be Rs500 or Rs250 based on the standard or Non-standard accommodation provided by the BPM in the BO Location.
Gramin DAK SEVAK SALARY 2021: Check GDS Job Profile, Work(BPM, ABPM & Dak Sevaks)
GDS Salary 2023 Check ABPM Salary & Promotion

GDS Salary 2023 Check Dak Sevak Salary & Promotion

GDS other Allowances/Provisions:
1. Children Education Allowance (CEA): CEA is granted up to ₹ 6,000 per year per child of GDS for the 2 eldest surviving children. It is granted to children of GDS studying from Nursery to 12th standard.
2. Maternity Grant: Maternity Grant for female GDS for 180 days is granted. A maternity grant is also granted at the time of Miscarriage/Abortion-45 days leave in an entire career.