In continuation of this officer letter under reference, the Competent Authority is pleased to announce 2″d Supplementary result of LDCE and Competitive Examination for promotion to the cadre of PA/SA from PM-MG and MTS for the vacancy year 2022 held on 07.08.2022, DEST held on 25.09.2022, Result declared on 21.12.2022 and 1ST Supplementary Result declared on 15.03.2023 as below:
Sl No | Description | Annexure |
1 | 20 Supplementary Result of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination from PM-MG and MTS for Promotion to the cadre of Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant held on 07.08.2022, DEST held on 25.09.2022, Result declared on 21.12.2022 and Supplementary Result declared on 15.03.2023 against unfilled vacancies only due to non joining of allotted candidates. | Annexure -I |
2 | 1 Supplementary Result of Competitive Examination from GDS for Recruitment to the cadre of Postal Assistant/Sorting assistant held on 07.08.2022, DEST held on 25.09.2022, Result declared on 15.03.2023 against unfilled vacancies only due to non joining of allotted candidates. | Annexure-lI |
3 | Unfilled vacancies reported by Regions/Units | Annexure III |